This my first post on my new website. I am beginning to make my knitting designs available online and through ravelry. You can find me on ravelry as cathyknits43. I hope that you enjoy my patterns.
I will be teaching knitting classes at Knit Happens in Scottsdale, AZ beginning in January. Go to their blog and look for the link to the winter class schedule. Look for classes taught by Cathrine.
Knit Happens is a wonderful store with friendly help. You can spend hours looking and touching their fantastic selection of yarn and then sit down and knit awhile. There is always someone there to help or simply chat while you knit.
Subscribe to my blog and keep up with what I’m doing. You can also check out my other blog: http://readwatchknit.blogspot.com where I talk about movies, books, and of course, knitting.